// Exported from SourceMod Translator // http://translator.mitchdempsey.com/sourcemod_plugins/169 // "Phrases" { "No Target" { "en" "Invalid target" "ru" "Invalid target" } "Not Alive" { "en" "Spawn in order to use this command." "ru" "Spawn in order to use this command." } "Short World Record Menu Title" { "en" "Short World Records" "ru" "Короткие мировые рекорды" } "World Record Loading" { "en" "World Record is still loading; try again in a few moments." "ru" "Рекорды грузяться; попробуйте попозже." } "Bonus World Record Loading" { "en" "Bonus World Record is still loading; try again in a few moments." "ru" "Бонус Мировой рекорд до сих пор загрузки; Повторите попытку через несколько минут." } "Short World Record Loading" { "en" "Short World Record is still loading; try again in a few moments." "ru" "Краткое Мировой рекорд до сих пор загрузки; Повторите попытку через несколько минут." } "No Records" { "en" "There are no records." "ru" "Извините, но еще нет рекордов." } "Force Mode" { "en" "You need to pick a style first! Type !style into chat and choose wise." "ru" "Вы должны выбрать стиль первым! Введите !style в чате и выберите мудро." } "Round Finish Without Jumps" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "{1} has finished the map in {2}." "ru" "{1} прошёл карту в {2}." } "Round Finish Difficulty" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s},{5:d}" "en" "{1} has finished the map in {2} ({4}) and {5} jumps." "ru" "{1} прошёл карту за {2} ({4}), насчитано {5} прыжков." } "Round Finish Difficulty Without Jumps" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s}" "en" "{1} has finished the map in {2} ({4})!" "ru" "{1} прошёл карту за {2} ({4})!" } "Bonus Round Finish" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:d}" "en" "{1} has finished the bonus map in {2} and {4} jumps." "ru" "{1} прошёл бонус уровень {2} и {4} прижки." } "Bonus Round Finish Without Jumps" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "{1} has finished the bonus map in {2}." "ru" "{1} прошёл бонус уровень за {2}." } "Bonus Round Finish Difficulty" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s},{5:d}" "en" "{1} has finished the bonus map in {2} ({4}) and {5} jumps." "ru" "{1} прошёл бонус уровень в {2} ({4}) и {5} прижки." } "Bonus Round Finish Difficulty Without Jumps" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s}" "en" "{1} has finished the bonus map in {2} ({4})!" "ru" "{1} прошёл бонус уровень в {2} ({4})!" } "Short Round Finish" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:d}" "en" "{1} has finished the short map in {2} and {4} jumps." "ru" "{1} прошёл короткую карту {2} и {4} прижки." } "Short Round Finish Without Jumps" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "{1} has finished the short map in {2}." "ru" "{1} прошёл короткую карту в {2}." } "Short Round Finish Difficulty" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s},{5:d}" "en" "{1} has finished the short map in {2} ({4}) and {5} jumps." "ru" "{1} прошёл короткую карту в {2} ({4}) и {5} прижки." } "Short Round Finish Difficulty Without Jumps" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:s}" "en" "{1} has finished the short map in {2} ({4})!" "ru" "{1} прошёл короткую карту в {2} ({4})!" } "Point Select Panel" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Please stand in the {1} point of the zone,\nand click Mouse2." "ru" "Пожалуйста станьте в(о) {1} точке зоны,\nи нажмите вашу ATTACK2 клавишу." } "Tier" { "en" "Tier" "ru" "Tier" } "Cancel" { "en" "Cancel" "ru" "Отменить" } "Please wait" { "en" "Please wait..." "ru" "Пожалуйста подождите..." } "FIRST" { "en" "FIRST" "ru" "ПЕРВЫЙ" } "SECOND" { "en" "SECOND" "ru" "ВТОРОЙ" } "Map Zone Delete" { "en" "Map zone deleted successfully." "ru" "Зона карты успешно удалена." } "Level" { "en" "Level" "ru" "Уровень" } "Bonus Level" { "en" "Bonus Level" "ru" "Бонусный уровень" } "Time" { "en" "Time" "ru" "Время" } "Jumps" { "en" "Jumps" "ru" "Прыжки" } "HUD Speed" { "en" "Speed" "ru" "Скорость" } "HUD Best Times" { "en" "Best Times" "ru" "Лучшое время" } "HUD Difficulty" { "en" "Style" "ru" "Стиль" } "Rank" { "en" "Rank" "ru" "Позиция" } "No target" { "en" "No target found." "ru" "Цель не найдено." } "Physics Difficulty" { "en" "Bhop Difficulty" "ru" "Bhop Сложность" } "Word Record Cache Loaded" { "en" "Word record cache has been loaded." "ru" "Мировые рекорды загружены." } "World Record Menu Title" { "en" "World Records" "ru" "Мировые рекорды" } "Bonus World Record Menu Title" { "en" "Bonus World Records" "ru" "Бонусные Мировые рекорды" } "No Difficulty Records" { "en" "There are no records for this difficulty." "ru" "Извините, но еще нет рекордов для этой сложности." } "Record Info" { "en" "Record Info" "ru" "Сведения о рекорде" } "Player Name" { "en" "Player Name" "ru" "Имя игрока" } "Toggle visibilty" { "en" "Toggled players visibility." "ru" "Переключена видимость игроков." } "Timer Management" { "en" "Timer Management" "ru" "Управление таймером" } "Delete Map Records" { "en" "Delete all records of this map" "ru" "Удалить все рекорды с т. карты" } "Delete All Map Zones" { "en" "Delete all map zones" "ru" "Удалить все зоны с текущей карты" } "Delete Player Record" { "en" "Delete record" "ru" "Удалить рекорды игроков с т. карты" } "Add Map Zone" { "en" "Add map zone" "ru" "Добавить зону" } "Delete Map Zone" { "en" "Delete map zone" "ru" "Удалить зону" } "Adjust zone" { "en" "Adjust zone:" "ru" "Отрегулируйте зону:" } "Select zone type" { "en" "Select zone type:" "ru" "Выберите тип зоны:" } "Pause Info" { "en" "Timer paused. Type !resume to restore your timer." "ru" "Игра остановлена. Введите !resume восстановить таймер." } "Start" { "en" "Start" "ru" "Старт" } "End" { "en" "End" "ru" "Конец" } "Glitch1" { "en" "Stop Timer" "ru" "Баг1 - Остановка Таймера" } "Glitch2" { "en" "Restart Timer" "ru" "Баг2 - Рестарт Таймера" } "Glitch3" { "en" "Tele Player Last Checkpoint" "ru" "Баг3 - Респаун игрока" } "Glitch4" { "en" "Tele Player Next Checkpoint" "ru" "Телепортировать игрока к следующей контрольной точки" } "BonusStart" { "en" "Bonus Start" "ru" "Бонус Старт" } "BonusEnd" { "en" "Bonus End" "ru" "Бонус Конец" } "Already inside bonus start zone" { "en" "You are already inside a bonus start zone." "ru" "Вы уже внутри зоны старта бонус уровня." } "Already inside start zone" { "en" "You are already inside a start zone." "ru" "Вы уже внутри зоны старта." } "Enable NoBlock" { "en" "Enable NoBlock" "ru" "Включить ноблок" } "Disable NoBlock" { "en" "Disable NoBlock" "ru" "Отключить ноблок" } "Speed Limit" { "en" "Speed Limit" "ru" "Лимит скорости" } "Player Clip" { "en" "Player Clip" "ru" "Заморозить игрока" } "Longjump" { "en" "Longjump" "ru" "Longjump" } "Booster" { "en" "Booster" "ru" "Ускорение" } "Full Booster" { "en" "Full Booster" "ru" "Полное ускорение" } "Arena" { "en" "Arena" "ru" "Арена" } "Bounce Back" { "en" "Bounce Back" "ru" "Прыжок назад" } "Jail" { "en" "Jail" "ru" "Тюрма" } "Lift" { "en" "Lift" "ru" "Лифт" } "Bullet Time" { "en" "Bullet Time" "ru" "Время пуль" } "No Gravity Overwrite" { "en" "No Gravity Overwrite" "ru" "Нет Гравитация перезаписи" } "NPC Next" { "en" "NPC Next" "ru" "Следующая NPC" } "NPC Next Double" { "en" "NPC Next Double" "ru" "NPC Next Double" } "No Boost" { "en" "No Boost" "ru" "No Boost" } "Restart Normal Timer" { "en" "Restart Normal Timer" "ru" "Restart Normal Timer" } "Restart Bonus Timer" { "en" "Restart Bonus Timer" "ru" "Restart Bonus Timer" } "Short End" { "en" "Short End" "ru" "Short End" } "Choose Player" { "en" "Choose Player:" "ru" "Choose Player:" } "Delete Records" { "en" "Delete Records:" "ru" "Удалить рекорды:" } "Custom FPS" { "en" "You have been switched to FPSMAX style, if you like to play in NORMAL set fps_max to 300." "ru" "You have been switched to FPSMAX style, if you like to play in NORMAL set fps_max to 300." } "Tier Limit" { "en" "You only receive points for the first X times you complete a tier 1 or 2 map." "ru" "You only receive points for the first X times you complete a tier 1 or 2 map." } "Cheater Finish" { "en" "Your record will not be stored for cheating, visit our homepage to request a unban!" "ru" "Your record will not be stored for cheating, visit our homepage to request a unban!" } "Owned" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has beaten {2} at a challenge to the death!" "ru" "{1} has beaten {2} at a challenge to the death!" } "Coop Win" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} and {2} have finished as a team!" "ru" "{1} and {2} have finished as a team!" } "Coop Fail" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "{1} has canceled coop with {2}!" "ru" "{1} has canceled coop with {2}!" } "Adminmode Enabled" { "en" "Zoneadminmode enabled." "ru" "Zoneadminmode enabled." } "Adminmode Disabled" { "en" "Zoneadminmode disabled." "ru" "Zoneadminmode disabled." } "Zones Reloaded" { "en" "Zones reloaded." "ru" "Zones reloaded." } "Hide Enabled" { "en" "Other players are now hidden, type !unhide to show players again." "ru" "Other players are now hidden, type !unhide to show players again." } "Hide Disabled" { "en" "Other players are now visible." "ru" "Other players are now visible." } "There is no bonus in this map" { "en" "There is no bonus in this map." "ru" "There is no bonus in this map." } "Multi bhop not available" { "en" "Multihop and Nohop are not available on this map." "ru" "Multihop and Nohop are not available on this map." } "No styles enabled" { "en" "No styles enabled." "ru" "No styles enabled." } "You failed vegas mission" { "en" "You failed vegas mission. You need to restart to collect all vegas plattforms." "ru" "You failed vegas mission. You need to restart to collect all vegas plattforms." } "Vegas won" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d}" "en" "{1} collected all vegas plattforms and got {2} points for completing vegas mission." "ru" "{1} collected all vegas plattforms and got {2} points for completing vegas mission." } "Vegas final game" { "en" "This was the last vegas mission until mapchange!" "ru" "This was the last vegas mission until mapchange!" } "Round Finish" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s},{4:d}" "en" "{1} has finished the map in {2} and {4} jumps." "ru" "{1} прошёл карту в {2} за {4} прыжков." } }