// Exported from SourceMod Translator // http://translator.mitchdempsey.com/sourcemod_plugins/322 // "Phrases" { "You haven't opend the box in given time" { "en" "You haven't opend the box in given time. The lootbox is back in your inventory" } "Damage the crate to open" { "en" "{darkred}Damage{default} the crate to {green}open!" "hu" "{darkred}Sebezd{default} a ládát, hogy {green}kinyisd!" } "Too Many Matches" { "en" "More than one client were found." } "No Match" { "en" "No player was found." } "No pick up - sold" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "No one pick up your dropped item. The item was sold for {1} {2}." } "Pickup sold" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:i},{3:s}" "en" "You already own '{1}'. The item was sold for {2} {3}." } "mirror" { "en" "mirror" } "thirdperson" { "en" "thirdperson" } "noselfdamage" { "en" "No Self Damage" } "info" { "en" "Info Panel" } "Player added to jackpot" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:i},{3:s},{4:.2f},{5:i},{6:s}" "en" "{1} has cashed {2} {3} into the jackpot, his current winning chance is:{4}% (Jackpot: {5} {6})" } "nodiscount" { "en" " " } "Parachute Reloaded" { "en" "Parachute Reloaded" } "Parachute Empty" { "en" "Parachute Empty" "en" "Parachute Empty" "pl" "Spadochron pusty" } "Must be Alive" { "pl" "Musisz być żywy aby tego użyć." "en" "You must be alive to use this." "hu" "Ez a parancs halottként nem használható." } "HUD" { "ru" "ХУД" "en" "HUD" } "Back" { "en" "Back" } "Exit" { "en" "Exit" } "Close" { "en" "Close" } "You dont have permission" { "en" "You don't have permission to access this." "hu" "Nincs jogosultságod ehhez." } "Cancel" { "en" "Cancel" } "x hours, x minutes, x seconds" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i},{3:i}" "en" "{1} hours {2} minutes and {3} seconds" } "x minutes, x seconds" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i}" "en" "{1} minutes and {2} seconds" } "x seconds" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "{1} seconds" } "Counter-Terrorist" { "pl" "Antyterrorysta" "en" "Counter-Terrorist" } "Terrorist" { "en" "Terrorist" } "Spacer" { "en" "{green}----------------------" } "Confirm_Yes" { "en" "Yes" "hu" "Igen" } "Round Limit" { "en" "You have reached the maximum use of this item in this round." } "Confirm_No" { "en" "No" "hu" "Nem" } "Wrong Team" { "en" "You can't use this item in your team." } "Spam Cooldown" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Spam Protection. Please wait {1} seconds." } "Item hidden" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "{darkred}{1} {default}hidden. You wont't see them anymore." } "Item visible" { "#format" "{1:t}" "en" "{green}{1}s {default}are visible again." } "Player Resetted" { "#format" "{1:N}" "pl" "{1} został zresetowany." "en" "{1} has been resetted." "hu" "{1} nullázva lett." } "Player Credits" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:i},{3:s}" "en" "{green}{1}{default} has {green}{2}{default} {3}." } "Inventory hasnt been fetched" { "en" "Please wait. Your inventory hasn't been fetched yet." "hu" "Várj egy kicsit. A tárgyaid még nem töltöttek be." } "Item Bought" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1}" "hu" "{1}" } "Item Available" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:i}" "en" "{1} ({2})" "hu" "{1} ({2})" } "Item Plan Available" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1} (Choose a plan/abo)" "hu" "{1} (Válassz időszakot)" } "Item Equipped" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1} [EQUIPPED]" "hu" "{1} [FELVÉVE]" } "Item Equip" { "en" "Equip this item" "hu" "Tárgy felvétele" } "Item Unequip" { "en" "Unequip" "hu" "Tárgy levétele" } "Item Use" { "pl" "Używaj tego przedmiotu" "en" "Use this item" "hu" "Tárgy használata" } "Title Store" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "{1} Menu" } "Title Inventory" { "en" "Inventory" } "Title Credits" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:i}" "en" "{1}: {2}" "hu" "{1}: {2}" } "Title Expiration" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i}" "pl" "Wygasa za {1}d {2}h" "en" "Expires in {1}d {2}h" "hu" "Lejár {1}n {2}ó múlva" } "Credits Given" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:i},{3:s}" "en" "{1} has been given {2} {3}." } "Preview Item" { "en" "Preview This Item" } "Confirm_Buy" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "Are you sure you want to buy {1} {2}?" "hu" "Biztosan meg akarod venni a következőt: {1} {2}?" } "Spawn Preview" { "en" "Spawned a preview in front of you." } "Play Preview" { "en" "Playing preview sound for you." } "Store Disabled" { "en" "The store is temporary disabled." } "Item Sell" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Sell for {1} {2}" } "Chat Sold Item" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "You have sold a {green}{1} {2}{default}." "hu" "A következőt adtad el: {green}{1} {2}{default}." } "Package Sell" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Sell this package for {1} {2}" } "Confirm_Sell" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t},{3:i}" "pl" "Czy na pewno chcesz sprzedać {1} {2} za {3}?" "en" "Are you sure you want to sell {1} {2} for {3}?" "hu" "Biztosan el akarod adni a következőt: {1} {2}?" } "Gift No Players" { "en" "There's noone you can gift this item to." "hu" "Nincs senki akinek odatudnád adni ezt a tárgyat." } "Chat Bought Item" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "You have bought a {green}{1} {2}{default}." "hu" "A következőt vetted: {green}{1} {2}{default}." } "Item Drop" { "en" "Drop as gift" } "Credit Invalid Amount" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Invalid amount of {1} entered." } "Credit Not Enough" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "You don't have enough {1} to buy this." "hu" "Nincs elég {1}ed, hogy megvedd ezt." "hu" "Nincs elég {1}ed, hogy megvedd ezt." } "Credit Too Many Matches" { "en" "More than one client were found." "hu" "Több mint egy játékos van ilyen névvel." } "Credit No Match" { "en" "No player was found." "hu" "Nincs ilyen játékos." } "Package Drop" { "en" "Drop this package as gift" } "Buy Item" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Buy Item ({1})" } "Item Plan" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Choose a plan/abo" } "Confirm_Drop" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "Are you sure you want to drop {1} {2} as a gift?" "hu" "Biztosan el akarod ajándékozni a következőt: {1} {2}?" } "Rerun x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Rerun {1} {2}" } "Gift Item Picked" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "You picked up a {green}{1} {2}{default}." "hu" "A következőt vetted fel {green}{1} {2}{default}." } "No pick up - back to you" { "en" "No one pick up your dropped item. You get it back." } "No pick up - removed" { "en" "No one pick up your dropped item. The item was removed." } "You picked up" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N}" "en" "You pickup '{1}' dropped by {2}." } "Your drop picked up" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N}" "en" "Your dropped item '{1}' was picked up by {2}." } "Cannot pickup" { "#format" "{1:s}" "pl" "Nie możesz podnieść '{1}' - już to posiadasz." "en" "You cannnot pickup '{1}' - you already own it." } "Dropped an item" { "#format" "{1:N}" "en" "{1} dropped an item." "hu" "{1} kidobott egy tárgyat" } "Item Gift" { "en" "Gift this item" "hu" "Tárgy elajándékozása" } "Chat Gift Item Sent" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:t}" "en" "You have sent {green}{1}{default} a {green}{2} {3}{default} as a gift." "hu" "A következőt küldted: {green}{2} {3}{default} neki: {green}{1}{default}." } "Package Gift" { "pl" "Podaruj tę paczkę" "en" "Gift this package" "hu" "Csomag elajándékozása" } "Title Gift" { "en" "Choose a player to send gift to" "hu" "Játékos kiválasztása ajándékozáshoz" } "Gift Player Left" { "en" "Selected player has already left the game." "hu" "A kiválasztott játékos már elhagyta a játékot." } "Chat Gift Item Received" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:t}" "pl" "{green}{1}{default} wysłał tobie {green}{2} {3}{default} jako prezent." "en" "{green}{1}{default} has sent you a {green}{2} {3}{default} as a gift." "hu" "{green}{1}{default} a következőt küldte neked: {green}{2} {3}{default}." } "You win x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You win {1} {2}" } "Credit Gift Disabled" { "en" "Credit gifting is disabled on this server." "hu" "A szerveren a kreditek ajándékozása ki van kapcsolva." } "Confirm_Gift" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t},{3:s}" "en" "Are you sure you want to gift {1} {2} to {3}?" "hu" "Biztosan el akarod ajándékozni a következőt: {1} {2} neki: {3}?" } "You'll earn x Credits tomorrow" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You'll earn {1} {2} tomorrow!" } "Discount Started" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Discount: '{1}' has started! Happy shopping!" } "Discount Active" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Discount: '{1}' is active! Happy shopping!" } "Discount Ended" { "#format" "{1:s}" "pl" "Zniżka: '{1}' się zakończyła." "en" "Discount: '{1}' has ended." } "discount" { "en" "% SALE %" } "You get x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You recieve {1} {2}." } "Place x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Place {1} {2}" } "Wait until next daily" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "You have to wait {1} until next daily." } "start daily challange" { "en" "start the 'daily challange'. Play next 6 days to recieve full bonus" } "You mastered the daily challange" { "en" "You mastered the 'daily challange'! Try to beat it again!" } "Change your bet" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Change your bet: {1} {2}" "hu" "Változtasd meg a téted: {1} {2}" } "Bet on" { "en" "Bet on" "de" "Setze auf" } "Red" { "en" "red" "de" "rot" } "Black" { "pl" "czarny" "en" "black" "de" "schwarz" } "wasted" { "en" "wasted" "de" "verzockt!" } "Green" { "en" "green" "de" "grün" } "Lost bet" { "en" "Failed! You lost your bet" } "Must be dead" { "en" "You must be dead to play" } "bet x" { "en" "bet x" "de" "Wetteinsatz mal" } "Min Player" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "We need at least {1} player " } "Press to Stop" { "en" "Press to Stop!" } "Press to Start" { "en" "Press to Start!" } "Bet on a Head/Tail" { "en" "Bet on a Head/Tail" } "Bet on a color" { "pl" "Obstaw kolor, jeśli ten kolor zostanie wybrany wygrasz!" "en" "Bet on a color and if this color is choosen you win!" } "Bet on a team" { "en" "Bet on a team and if the team win the round you win!" } "Bet on a number" { "en" "Bet on Low (#1-3) on High (#4-6) or a exact number. If you choice is diced you win!" "hu" "Rakj alacsonyra (#1-3), vagy magasra (#4-6) vagy egy számra. Ha a választásod lesz dobva, győztél!" } "Player won x Credits" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:i},{3:s},{4:t}" "en" "{1} has won {2} {3} at {4}" } "Game Info" { "en" "Game Info" } "TeamBet Won" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Your bet was successful. You won {1} {2}." } "TeamBet Lost" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You lost {1} {2} on the bet." } "TeamBet Invalid Team" { "en" "Invalid team identifier specified." "hu" "Helytelen csapat azonosító." } "TeamBet Placed" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You have successfully placed a bet of {1} {2}." } "TeamBet Already Placed" { "en" "You have already placed your bet for the round." "hu" "Ebben a körben már fogadtál." } "TeamBet Period Over" { "pl" "Czas obstawiania w tej rundzie już minął" "en" "The betting period is over for this round." "hu" "Ebben a körben már nem fogadhatsz." } "You won with" { "en" "You won with" } "Jackpot paused" { "en" "Jackpot paused." } "You can start a new Jackpot in" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "You can start a new Jacktop in {1}." } "You can start a new Jackpot" { "en" "You can start a new Jacktop" } "the prize will be drawn in" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "the prize will be drawn in" } "Bet Minium" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Bet Minimum ({1})" } "Bet Maximum" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Bet Maximum ({1})" } "Bet Random" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i}" "en" "Bet Random ({1}-{2})" } "Jackpot: x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Jackpot: {1} {2}" } "Bet CT win: x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Pot CT win: {1} {2}" } "Bet T win: x Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Pot T win: {1} {2}" } "No active Jackpot" { "en" "No active Jackpot" } "No active TeamBet" { "en" "No team bets have been placed yet" } "Tail" { "en" "Tail" } "Type in chat !dice" { "en" "Type in chat !dice [l/h/#]" } "Your bet" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Your bet: {1} {2}" } "Low #1-3" { "en" "Low #1-3" } "High #4-6" { "en" "High #4-6" } "Bet * Multi = Your Win" { "en" "Bet * Multi = Your Win" } "Mutli = PotCT + PotT / PotWinningTeam" { "en" "Mutli = PotCT + PotT / PotWinningTeam" } "Low #1-3' = " { "en" "Low #1-3' = " } "High #4-6 = " { "pl" "Wysokie #4-6 =" "en" "High #4-6 = " } "Win = " { "en" "Win = " } "Exact #x = " { "en" "Exact #x = " } "No matching color" { "en" "No matching color, use: r/red, b/black or g/green" } "Jackpot chances" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:.2f},{3:i},{4:s}" "en" "{1} - {2}% ({3} {4})" "hu" "{1} - {2}% ({3} {4})" } "Your Bet - Chance" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s},{3:.2f}" "en" "Your Bet: {1} {2} - Chance: {3}%" } "in x time" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "in {1}." } "You already cashed in" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s},{3:.1f},{4:i},{5:s}" "en" "You already cashed {1} {2} into the jackpot. Current win chance: {3}%% Jackpot: {4} {5}" } "Noone else cashed in" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Noone else cashed into the Jackpot. You get your {1} {2} back!" } "Winner is not in game anymore" { "en" "Winner is not in game anymore, trying to find a new winner." } "Second Winner is not in game anymore" { "en" "Second winner is also not in game anymore, last try to find a new winner." } "All players disconnect" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "All participating players disconnect, nobody get his {2} back, lol. Jackpot was {1} {2}!" } "Your current winning chance has changed" { "#format" "{1:.2f}" "en" "Your current winning chance has changed to {1}%" } "You have to spend at least x credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You have to spend at least {1} {2}." } "You can't spend that much credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You can't spend that much credits (Max: {1} {2})." } "You won the Jackpot" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You won the Jackpot with {1} {2}!" } "Player won the Jackpot" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:i},{3:s}" "en" "{1} won the Jackpot with {2} {3}!" } "You won the Jackpot - Fee" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s},{3:i},{4:s},{5:i}" "en" "You won the Jackpot with {1} {2} minus the casino fee of {3} {4} ({5}%)." } "Player opened jackpot" { "#format" "{1:N},{2:i},{3:s}" "en" "{1} has opened a jackpot with {2} {3}. Cash-in to grab that money!" } "or use buttons below" { "en" "or use buttons below" } "Type in chat !jackpot" { "en" "Type in chat !jackpot " } "Type in chat !roulette" { "en" "Type in chat !roulette [r/b/g]" } "trail" { "en" "Player trail" } "grenademodel" { "en" "Grenade model" "pl" "Model granatu" "hu" "Gránát Model" } "grenadetrail" { "en" "Grenade trail" "pl" "Ślad za granatem" } "bullet_impact" { "en" "Bullet impact" } "nametag" { "en" "Name tag" "hu" "név tag" } "namecolor" { "en" "Name color" "hu" "név szín" } "spray" { "en" "Spray" } "msgcolor" { "en" "Message color" } "Type in chat !coinflip" { "en" "Type in chat !coinflip [h/t]" } "Type in chat !bet" { "en" "Type in chat !bet [ct/t]" } "Type in chat !crowns" { "en" "Type in chat !crowns " } "Head" { "en" "Head" "ru" "Голова" } "jetpack" { "en" "Jetpack" } "Get three on a kind" { "en" "Get three on a kind" "pl" "Zdobądź trójkę" } "Jetpack Fuel" { "#format" "{1:.1f}" "en" "[Jetpack] Fuel: {1}" "hu" "[Jetpack] Üzemanyag: {1}" } "Jetpack Reloaded" { "en" "Jetpack is reloaded" } "Jetpack Empty" { "en" "Jetpack is empty" } "Jihad Failed" { "en" "Your bomb has failed to explode." } "Jihad Failed All" { "#format" "{1:N}" "en" "{1} jihad bomb has failed to explode." } "Recieve Spawn" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "You'll recieve {1} on next spawn" } "PlayerModels Settings Changed" { "en" "Your new settings will be applied on next spawn." "hu" "Az új beállításaid a következő élettől fognak működni." } "lasersight" { "en" "Lasersight" } "package" { "en" "package" } "tracer" { "en" "Bullet Tracer" } "playermodel" { "en" "Player model" } "infinityammo" { "en" "Infinity Ammo" "pl" "Nieskończona amunicja" } "flashlight" { "en" "Flashlight" } "dice" { "en" "Dice" } "health" { "en" "Health" "pl" "Zdrowie" "hu" "Életerő" } "coinflip" { "en" "Coinflip" } "speed" { "en" "Speed" } "gravity" { "en" "Gravity" "pl" "Grawitacja" } "weapon" { "en" "Weapon" } "hitsound" { "en" "Hitsound" } "sound" { "en" "Sound" } "command" { "en" "Player/Server Command" "hu" "Játékos/Szerver Parancs" } "jihad" { "en" "Jihad" } "godmode" { "en" "Godmode" "hu" "Istenmód" } "knife" { "en" "Knife" "ru" "Нож" } "pet" { "en" "Pet" } "respawn" { "en" "Respawn" "ru" "Респавн" } "daily" { "en" "Daily Bonus" "ru" "Ежедневный бонус" } "teambet" { "en" "TeamBet" } "toplists" { "en" "TopLists" } "admin" { "en" "Admin" "ru" "Администратор" "pl" "Admin" } "spawn" { "en" "Spawn xtra" } "roulette" { "en" "Roulette" } "instabomb" { "en" "Insta plant / defuse" } "jackpot" { "en" "Jackpot" } "weaponmodel" { "en" "Weapon Model" } "attachment" { "en" "Attachment" "pl" "Do założenia" } "lootbox" { "en" "Lootbox" } "crowns" { "en" "Crowns Slot" } "light" { "en" "Light" } "parachute" { "en" "Parachute" } "froggyjump" { "en" "Froggy Jump" "pl" "Żabi skok" } "bunnyhob" { "en" "BunnyHob" "pl" "BunnyHop" } "mvp_sound" { "en" "MVP anthems" } "hunterjump" { "en" "Hunter Jump" "pl" "Skok łowcy" } "laserpointer" { "en" "Laser Pointer" } "bulletsparks" { "en" "Bullet Sparks" "pl" "Iskry pocisków" } "painter" { "en" "Painter" } "dmgtext" { "en" "Painter" } "noreload" { "en" "No Reload" } "throwknife" { "en" "Throw Knife" } "bombtweak" { "en" "Bomb Tweak" "pl" "Ulepszenie bomby" } "nofalldamage" { "en" "No Fall Damage" } "particle" { "en" "Particles" } "noduckdelay" { "en" "No Duck delay" } "nearest" { "en" "Nearest" } "direction" { "en" "Direction" } "distance" { "en" "distance" "pl" "odległość" } "emote" { "en" "Emote" } "Item Voucher" { "en" "Make Voucher from item" } "Item Voucher in chat" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "You have convert {green}{1} ({2}){default} to Voucher {purple}{3}{default}." } "Voucher in chat" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:i},{3:s}" "en" "Created new voucher {purple}{1} with value {2} {3}" } "Voucher in console" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Voucher Code: {1}" } "Package Voucher" { "en" "Make Voucher from package" } "Confirm_Voucher" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "Are you sure you want convert {1} ({2}) to coupon?" } "Vouchers" { "en" "Voucher" } "Redeem Voucher" { "en" "Redeem a Voucher" } "Check Voucher" { "en" "Check a Voucher" } "Purchase Voucher" { "en" "Purchase a Voucher" } "Create Voucher" { "en" "Create a Voucher" } "SQL Cooldown" { "en" "For security reasons you can not submit mutiple requests in a short period" } "Limited" { "en" "Limited - one player" } "Unlimited" { "en" "Unlimited - several players" } "To late chat input" { "en" "Your text input has not been done in the given time" } "Start again from begin" { "en" "Please start again from begin" } "Voucher accepted" { "en" "The Voucher was accepted" } "Enter number of vouchers" { "en" "Please enter the number of voucher to create in the chat!" } "Enter value of vouchers" { "en" "Please enter the value of voucher to purchase in the chat!" } "Enter minimum value" { "en" "Please enter the minium value of Credits in the chat!" } "Enter custom amount" { "en" "Please enter your custom amount in the chat!" } "Enter maximum value" { "en" "Please enter the maximum value of Credits in the chat!" } "Enter voucher code" { "en" "Please enter your voucher code in the chat!" } "Succesfully purchased voucher" { "en" "You succesfully purchased a voucher" } "Voucher Value" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "The voucher has the value of {1} {2}" } "Voucher item" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "The voucher includes {1} ({2})" } "Voucher in chat and console" { "en" "You can find the voucher code also in chat and console" } "Voucher expired" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "The entered voucher code has expired on {1}" } "Voucher already redeemed" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "The entered voucher code was already redeemed on {1}" } "You already redeemed Voucher" { "en" "You already redeemed the entered voucher code" } "You already own Voucher item" { "en" "You already own the entered voucher item" } "connect" { "en" "Connect Message" } "casino" { "en" "Casino" "ru" "Казино" } "Creating voucher failed" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "Creating voucher failed - Contact an admin with following timestamp: {1}" "pl" "Nie udało się utworzyć vouchera - Skontaktuj się z adminem i podaj czas wydarzenia: {1}" } "and is unlimited" { "en" "and is unlimited" } "and is limited" { "en" "and is limited" } "Voucher valid" { "en" "The voucher code is valid" } "Voucher invalid" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "The entered voucher code '{1}' is not valid!" } "Voucher expire" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "This voucher expire on {1}" } "Wrong voucher code format" { "en" "The Voucher code has wrong format. must be XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" } "Value less than 1" { "en" "You can't use a value less than 1." } "Not enough Credits" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "You don't have enough {1}" } "Smaller than min value" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "You can't use a smaller value than your min value ({1})" } "You get x item" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "You recieve a {1} ({2})." } "Top Credits" { "en" "Top Credits" } "Top Most Items" { "en" "Top Most Items" } "Top Inv Worth" { "en" "Top Inventar Worth" } "Top Credits Inv Worth" { "en" "Top Credits + Inv Worth" } "You earned x Credits for" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s},{3:t}" "en" "You earned {1} {2} for {3}." } "playing x on our server in row" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "playing on our server {1} days in a row" } "x Credits for" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "{1} {2} for '{3}'" } "You earned x Credits this round" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "You earned {1} {2} this round" } "Total Credits" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Total: {1} {2}" } "You earned this round" { "en" "You earned this round:" } "You earned no points this round" { "en" "You earned no points this round" } "escape as VIP" { "en" "escape as VIP" "pl" "ucieczka jako VIP" } "kill the VIP" { "en" "kill the VIP" } "hostage rescued" { "en" "hostage rescued" "pl" "Uratowano zakładnika" } "bomb explode" { "en" "bomb explode" "hu" "Bomba robbanás" } "bomb defused" { "en" "bomb defused" "pl" "rozbrojenie bomby" } "bomb planted" { "en" "bomb planted" } "be the MVP" { "en" "be the MVP" } "win the round" { "en" "win the round" } "kill" { "en" "kill" } "noscope kill" { "en" "noscope kill" } "backstab kill" { "en" "backstab kill" } "decoy grenade kill" { "en" "decoy grenade kill" } "molotov kill" { "en" "molotov kill" } "smokegrenade kill" { "en" "smokegrenade kill" } "flashbang kill" { "en" "flashbang kill" } "HE grenade kill" { "en" "HE grenade kill" } "taser kill" { "en" "taser kill" } "knife kill" { "en" "knife kill" } "teamkill" { "en" "teamkill" } "headshot" { "en" "headshot" } "kill yourself" { "en" "kill yourself" } "assist a kill" { "en" "assist a kill" } "playing on the server" { "en" "playing on the server" } "idle on the server" { "en" "idle on the server" "pl" "nieaktywny na serwerze" "hu" "Szerveren való időtöltés" } "Already own item from box. Get Credits back" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s},{3:i},{4:s}" "en" "You won, but already own {1} ({2}). Item was sold for {3} {4}" } "You won lootbox item" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:t}" "en" "You won a {1} ({2})!" } }