// Exported from SourceMod Translator // http://translator.mitchdempsey.com/sourcemod_plugins/355 // "Phrases" { "Menu_ON" { "chi" "开启" } "Menu_OFF" { "en" "OFF" "chi" "关闭" } "Menu_BonusHP" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "+{1} bonus HP" "chi" "+{1} 额外 HP" } "Menu_BonusArmor" { "#format" "{1:d}" "en" "+{1} bonus Armor" "chi" "+{1} 额外 护甲" } "Menu_ModifyClanTag" { "en" "Modify scoreboard prefix" "chi" "修改记分板前缀" } "Menu_ClanTagEditor" { "en" "Scoreboard Editor" "chi" "记分板编辑器" } "Chat_Disabled" { "en" "{red}Disabled" "chi" "{red}已关闭" } "Menu_ChatMods" { "en" "Chat Modifications" "chi" "聊天框修改" } "Menu_Rainbow" { "en" "Rainbow Model" "chi" "彩虹人物模型" } "Menu_PrefixColor" { "en" "Change prefix color" "chi" "修改前缀颜色" } "Menu_ChatUtils" { "en" "Chat Utils." "chi" "聊天框小工具." } "Menu_ModifyPrefix" { "en" "Modify chat prefix" "chi" "修改聊天框前缀" } "Menu_NameColor" { "en" "Change name color" "chi" "修改名称颜色" } "Menu_ChatColor" { "en" "Change text color" "chi" "修改聊天内容颜色" } "Chat_BonusHP" { "en" "Bonus Health is now" "chi" "额外HP到账" } "Menu_ResetPrefix" { "en" "Reset chat prefix" "chi" "Reset chat prefix" } "Menu_ResetClanTag" { "en" "Reset scoreboard prefix" "chi" "重置记分板前缀" } "Menu_ChooseColor" { "en" "Choose Color" "chi" "选择颜色" } "Chat_BonusArmor" { "en" "Bonus Armor is now" "chi" "额外护甲到账" } "Chat_Enabled" { "en" "{green}Enabled" "chi" "{green}已启动" } "Chat_TypeNameTag" { "en" "Please type your new chat prefix to the chat! Type 'abort' or 'cancel' to cancel." "chi" "请在输入你想要的聊天框前缀! 输入'abort' 或者 'cancel' 可取消配置." } "Chat_SetClanTag" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Your scoreboard prefix is now: {lightred}{1}" "chi" "你当前的记分板前缀:{lightred}{1}!" } "Chat_Rainbow" { "en" "Rainbow player model is now" "chi" "彩虹玩家模型已设置" } "Chat_ModifyCancel" { "en" "The modification succesfully cancelled!" "chi" "本次修改已取消!" } "Chat_ClanTagReset" { "en" "Your scoreboard prefix has been reset!" "chi" "你的记分板前缀设置已还原!" } "Chat_TypeClanTag" { "en" "Please type your new scoreboard prefix to the chat! Type 'abort' or 'cancel' to cancel." "chi" "请在输入你想要的新记分板前缀! 输入'abort' 或者 'cancel' 可取消配置." } "Chat_NameTagReset" { "en" "Your chat prefix has been reset!" "chi" "你的聊天框前缀设置已还原!" } "Chat_SetPrefixColor" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Your prefix color is now {1}{2}" "chi" "你当前前缀的颜色:{1}{2}" } "Chat_SetNameTag" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Your chat prefix is now: {lightred}{1}" "chi" "你当前的聊天框前缀:{lightred}{1}!" } "Chat_SetNameColor" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Your name color is now {1}{2}" "chi" "你当前名称的颜色:{1}{2}" } "Chat_SetTextColor" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:s}" "en" "Your text color is now {1}{2}" "chi" "你当前的聊天内容颜色:{1}{2}" } "Color_Default" { "en" "White" "chi" "白色" } "Color_Red" { "en" "Red" "chi" "红色" } "Color_Lightred" { "en" "Light red" "chi" "浅红色" } "Color_Darkred" { "en" "Dark red" "chi" "深红色" } "Color_BlueGray" { "en" "Blue-gray" "chi" "蓝灰色" } "Color_Blue" { "en" "Blue" "chi" "蓝色" } "Color_Darkblue" { "en" "Dark blue" "chi" "深蓝色" } "Color_Purple" { "en" "Purple" "chi" "紫色" } "Color_Orchid" { "en" "Orchid" "chi" "淡紫色" } "Color_Yellow" { "en" "Yellow" "chi" "黄色" } "Color_Gold" { "en" "Gold" "chi" "金色" } "Color_Lightgreen" { "en" "Lightgreen" "chi" "淡绿色" } "Color_Green" { "en" "Green" "chi" "绿色" } "Color_Lime" { "en" "Lime" "chi" "灰绿色" } "Color_Lightgrey" { "en" "Lightgrey" "chi" "淡灰色" } "Color_Grey" { "en" "Grey" "chi" "灰色" } "Error_InGameOnly" { "en" "This command can only be used in-game!" "chi" "此命令只能在游戏进行中使用!" } "Error_ModuleDisabled" { "en" "This module/function is disabled by the server operator." "chi" "这个模块/功能被服主禁用了." } }