Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Stamm FR
- Name
- NoVIPAll
- Format
- String
- Integer
- Integer
- String
- String
- English
- {green}{1} {lightgreen}has {green}{2} Points Stamm{lightgreen}, he needs still of{green} {3} points {lightgreen}to become {4}{5}
- English (In-game Preview)
- {1:s} has {2:i} Points Stamm, he needs still of {3:i} points to become {4:s}{5:s}
- English (en)
{green}{1} {lightgreen}has {green}{2} Points Stamm{lightgreen}, he needs still of{green} {3} points {lightgreen}to become {4}{5}
- French (fr)
{green}{1} {lightgreen}a {green}{2} Points Stamm{lightgreen}, il a encore besoin de{green} {3} Points {lightgreen}pour devenir {4}{5}