Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Scout
- Name
- scout_o_skill_TrueSight_desc
- English
- Enemies cannot be invisible or partially invisible around you. \n#1# units.\nDoes not affect spy cloak (TF)
- English (In-game Preview)
- Enemies cannot be invisible or partially invisible around you. \n#1# units.\nDoes not affect spy cloak (TF)
- English (en)
Enemies cannot be invisible or partially invisible around you. \n#1# units.\nDoes not affect spy cloak (TF)
- Russian (ru)
Враги не могут быть невидимыми или частично невидимыми вокруг вас.\n#1# юнитов.\nНе действует на Шпионский Плащ (TF)
- Spanish (es)
Los enemigos no pueden volverse invisibles a tu alrededor.