Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Succubus Hunter
- Name
- succubus_skill_TIncantation_desc
- English
- You gain 1-2%% HP, 25-50$ or some credits and 1-5XP on spawn for each skull you collected
- English (In-game Preview)
- You gain 1-2%% HP, 25-50$ or some credits and 1-5XP on spawn for each skull you collected
- English (en)
You gain 1-2%% HP, 25-50$ or some credits and 1-5XP on spawn for each skull you collected
- Spanish (es)
Ganas 1-2%% de HP, 25-50 $ o oro y 1-5XP al iniciar la ronda por cada skulls que recogas