Phrase Information

War3Source Race Undead Scourge
You explode when you die, can be manually activated via +ultimate\nBlast radius: 200-333 \nBlast damage: 266 (CS) 300 (TF2) divided by distance
English (In-game Preview)
You explode when you die, can be manually activated via +ultimate\nBlast radius: 200-333 \nBlast damage: 266 (CS) 300 (TF2) divided by distance


English (en)
You explode when you die, can be manually activated via +ultimate\nBlast radius: 200-333 \nBlast damage: 266 (CS) 300 (TF2) divided by distance
Russian (ru)
Вы взрываетесь во время смерти\nМожно активировать вручную\nРадиус поражения 20-33 футов\nМаксимальный урон 266
Spanish (es)
Usted explota cuando muere, se puede activar de forma manual a través de + final \n Radio de 200 a 333 \ndaño de Explosión: 266 dividido por la distancia