Phrase Information

SmacBans: Block
  1. String
You are listed on the Smacbans global Banlist.\nCheck {1} for more information
English (In-game Preview)
You are listed on the Smacbans global Banlist.\nCheck {1:s} for more information


1337speak (l0l)
Is you list on because SMACbans global list o' bans.\nDo yourself {1} for cool infos
Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Você foi listado no Lista de banimentos globais do Smacbans. \nVerifique {1} para mais informações
Danish (da)
Du er blevet placeret på Smachbans globale banne liste.\nCheck {1} for mere information
Dutch (nl)
Je bent geregistreerd op de Smacbans wereldwijde banlijst.\nControleer {1} voor meer informatie
English (en)
You are listed on the Smacbans global Banlist.\nCheck {1} for more information
Finnish (fi)
Sinä olet Smacbans maailmanlaajuisella Bannilistalla.\nCheck {1} lisää infoa
French (fr)
Tu es enregistré dans la Smacbans global Banlist.\nConsulte {1} pour en savoir plus
German (de)
Du bist in der Smacbans global Banlist gelistet.\nPrüfe {1} für weitere Informationen
Hungarian (hu)
Rajta vagy a Smacbans globális Banlistán.\nTovábbi információért látogass el ide: {1}
Italian (it)
Sei elencato nella Smacbans global Banlist.\nControlla {1} per ulteriori informazioni
Korean (ko)
당신은 Smacbans 글로벌 밴 목록에 올라있습니다. 자세한 정보를 보려면, {1} 에서 확인하세요.
Norwegian (no)
Du er bannet på Smacbans Banliste.\nCheck {1} for mer informasjon
Polish (pl)
Znajdujesz się w Smacbans global Banlist.\nSprawdź {1} dla więcej informacji
Portuguese (pt_p)
Foste listado na Lista de banimentos globais do Smacbans. \nVerifique {1} para mais informações
Russian (ru)
Ты находишся в глобальной банлисте Смакбанса.\nПроверь {1} для дополнительных информации
Spanish (es)
Estas en la lista smacban global.\nRevisa {1} para mas informacion
Swedish (sv)
Du är listad på Smacbans globala Banlista.\nCheck {1} för mer information
Turkish (tr)
Smacban global Banlistenin icindesin.\nAyri bilgiler icin {1}