Phrase Information

Automatic Campaign Switcher
ACS Vote For Next Map Chat
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} To vote for the next map, type: {lightgreen}!mapvote\n {olive}To see all the votes, type: {lightgreen}!mapvotes
English (In-game Preview)
[ACS] To vote for the next map, type: !mapvote\n To see all the votes, type: !mapvotes


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} To vote for the next map, type: {lightgreen}!mapvote\n {olive}To see all the votes, type: {lightgreen}!mapvotes
English (en)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} To vote for the next map, type: {lightgreen}!mapvote\n {olive}To see all the votes, type: {lightgreen}!mapvotes
Finnish (fi)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} Äänestääksesi seuraavaa kenttää, kirjoita: {lightgreen}!mapvote\n {olive}Nähdäksesi kaikki äänet, kirjoita: {lightgreen}!mapvotes
French (fr)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} Pour voter pour la map suivante, tapez {lightgreen}!mapvote{green}.\n{olive}Pour voir tous les votes, tapez {green}: {lightgreen}!mapvotes.
German (de)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} Um für die nächste map zu voten, schreibe: {lightgreen}!mapvote {olive}in den chat \n {olive}Um allte votes zu sehen, schreibe: {lightgreen}!mapvotes {olive}in den chat
Portuguese (pt_p)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} Para votar no próximo mapa, digite: {lightgreen}!mapvote\n {olive}Para ver todos os votos, digite: {lightgreen}!mapvotes
Russian (ru)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} Чтобы проголосовать за следующую карту, напишите {lightgreen}!mapvote\n{olive}Чтобы просмотреть все голосования, напишите {lightgreen}!mapvotes
Spanish (es)
{green}[{lightgreen}ACS{green}]{olive} Para votar por el siguiente map, escribe: {lightgreen}!mapvote\n {olive}Para ver todas las votaciones, escribe{lightgreen}!mapvotes