Phrase Information
- Plugin
- thirdpersonshoulder
- Name
- Kick Third Cvar
- English
- Kicked for potentially using thirdpersonshoulder mode. \nEnter \"c_thirdpersonshoulder false\" in your console before rejoining the server
- English (In-game Preview)
- Kicked for potentially using thirdpersonshoulder mode. \nEnter \"c_thirdpersonshoulder false\" in your console before rejoining the server
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Expulso por potencialmente ter usando o modo terceira pessoa. \nEnter \"c_thirdpersonshoulder false\" no seu console antes de se juntar ao servidor
- English (en)
Kicked for potentially using thirdpersonshoulder mode. \nEnter \"c_thirdpersonshoulder false\" in your console before rejoining the server
- French (fr)
Tu a ete kicke car tu utilise la variable thirdpersonshoulder.\n Tape \"c_thirdpersonshoulder false\" dans la console avant de rejoindre notre serveur