Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Shop
- Name
- DataLoaded
- Format
- String
- English
- {green}[Shop] {default}Your data of the shop has been loaded. Type {green}!{1}{default} to open the main menu
- English (In-game Preview)
- [Shop] Your data of the shop has been loaded. Type !{1:s} to open the main menu
- English (en)
{green}[Shop] {default}Your data of the shop has been loaded. Type {green}!{1}{default} to open the main menu
- German (de)
{green}[Shop] {default}Deine Shopdaten wurden geladen. Schreibe {green}!{1}{default} um das Hauptmenu zu öffnen.
- Russian (ru)
{green}[Shop] {default}Ваши данные магазина были загружены. Введите {green}!{1}{default}, чтобы открыть магазин