Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Shop
- Name
- SetupTransfer
- English
- {green}[Shop] {default}Type amount of credits to transfer or type {green}\"cancel\" default} to cancel the operation.
- English (In-game Preview)
- [Shop] Type amount of credits to transfer or type \"cancel\" default} to cancel the operation.
- Danish (da)
- English (en)
{green}[Shop] {default}Type amount of credits to transfer or type {green}\"cancel\" default} to cancel the operation.
- Polish (pl)
{green}[Sklep] {default}Podaj ilość kredytów do przekazania lub wpisz {green}\"cancel\"{default} aby anulować.
- Russian (ru)
{green}[Shop] {default}Введите количество кредитов для отправки или введите {green}\"cancel\"{default} для отмены операции.