Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Prophunt
- Name
- #TF_PH_Stats_StatsMe
- Format
- String
- Integer
- Integer
- Integer
- Integer
- Integer
- English
- {1} is on rank {2} with {3} score ({4} wins and {5} losses). Time played {6} hours.
- English (In-game Preview)
- {1:s} is on rank {2:i} with {3:i} score ({4:i} wins and {5:i} losses). Time played {6:i} hours.
- English (en)
{1} is on rank {2} with {3} score ({4} wins and {5} losses). Time played {6} hours.
- Spanish (es)
{1} esta en la posiciĆ³n {2} con {3} puntos - ({4} victorias y {5} derrotas). Tiempo Jugado {6} horas.