Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Move Commands
- Name
- SwapPlayerDeathNoLonger
- Format
- String
- Client name
- English
- {1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}will no longer be moved to the other team after his death!
- English (In-game Preview)
- {1:s} {2:N} will no longer be moved to the other team after his death!
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}não será mais transferido para a outra equipe após a sua morte!
- dk (dk)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}vil ikke længere blive flyttet til det modsatte hold ved død!
- English (en)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}will no longer be moved to the other team after his death!
- French (fr)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}ne seront plus déplacé à l'autre équipe après sa mort!
- German (de)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}wird nicht mehr nach seinem Tod ins andere Team verschoben!
- Russian (ru)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}не может быть перемещён в другую команду!
- Turkish (tr)
{1} {lightgreen}{2} {green}Öldükten sonra diğer takımına atılmayacak!