Phrase Information

No Rebels ATM
There are no rebelling terrorists at the moment.
English (In-game Preview)
There are no rebelling terrorists at the moment.


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Não existem terroristas em rebelião nesse momento.
Danish (da)
Der er ingen oprørende terrorister lige i øjeblikket.
English (en)
There are no rebelling terrorists at the moment.
French (fr)
Il ny a pas de Terroristes Rebelle pour le moment.
German (de)
Momentan gibt es keiner rebellierenden Terroristen.
Polish (pl)
W tej chwili nie ma żadnych buntowników.
Portuguese (pt_p)
Não existem terroristas em rebelião neste momento.
Russian (ru)
Никто сейчас не бунтует.
Spanish (es)
No hay terroristas rebeldes en este momento.
Swedish (sv)
Det finns inga rebeller just nu.
Turkish (tr)
Şu anda isyan eden terörist yok.