Phrase Information

LR No CTs Available
There are currently no CTs available to have your LR with.
English (In-game Preview)
There are currently no CTs available to have your LR with.


Danish (da)
Der er imidlertid ingen CT, du kan lave LR med.
English (en)
There are currently no CTs available to have your LR with.
French (fr)
Il ny a actuellement pas de CT disponible pour avoir votre DV.
German (de)
Es gibt gerade keinen CT, gegen den du dein LR spielen könntest.
Russian (ru)
Сейчас нет свободных тюремщиков для Последнего Желания
Spanish (es)
Actualmente no hay ningún CT disponible para realizar tu LR.
Swedish (sv)
Det finns inga CTs tillgängliga att ha din sista önskan med just nu.