Phrase Information
- Plugin
- rankme
- Name
- TR_Planting
- Format
- Integer
- English
- {lightgreen}Terrorists{default} got {1} points for Planting the Bomb
- English (In-game Preview)
- Terrorists got {1:d} points for Planting the Bomb
- cz (cz)
{lightgreen}Teroristé{default} získali {1} bodů za položení bomby.
- English (en)
{lightgreen}Terrorists{default} got {1} points for Planting the Bomb
- German (de)
{lightgreen}Terroristen{default} erhielten {1} Punkt für das Legen der Bombe
- Slovak (sk)
{lightgreen}Teroristi{default} dostali {1} bodov za aktivovanie bomby