Phrase Information
- Plugin
- rankme
- Name
- CT_Hostage
- Format
- Integer
- English
- {lightgreen}Counter-Terrorists{default} got {1} points for Rescuing the Hostage.
- English (In-game Preview)
- Counter-Terrorists got {1:d} points for Rescuing the Hostage.
- English (en)
{lightgreen}Counter-Terrorists{default} got {1} points for Rescuing the Hostage.
- French (fr)
{lightgreen}Counter-Terrorists{default} a obtenu {1} points pour avoir sauver l'otage.
- Slovak (sk)
{lightgreen}Proti-Teroristi{default} dostali {1} bodov za záchranu rukojemníka.
- Swedish (sv)
{lightgreen}Counter-Terrorists{default} fick {1} poäng p.g.a. räddningen av gisslan.