Phrase Information

SM:RPG Gifting
Fatal Error giving credits. Credits lost.
  1. Integer The amount of credits the player tried to give as a gift.
  2. Client name The name of the receiver.
Failed to give {1} credits to {2} and I'm unable to give you your credits back. Contact an admin!
English (In-game Preview)
Failed to give {1:d} credits to {2:N} and I'm unable to give you your credits back. Contact an admin!


English (en)
Failed to give {1} credits to {2} and I'm unable to give you your credits back. Contact an admin!
French (fr)
Impossible de donner {1} crédits ç {2} et je ne peux pas vous rendre vos crédits. Veuillez contacter un admin!
German (de)
Konnte {2} keine {1} Kredite schenken und es ist nicht möglich dir deine Kredite zurück zu geben. Kontaktiere einen Admin!