Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Name
- Upgrade purchase notification
- Format
- Client name The name of the player who bought an upgrade.
- String The name of the upgrade the player just bought.
- Integer The new level of this upgrade.
- English
- {1} purchased {2} level {3}.
- English (In-game Preview)
- {1:N} purchased {2:s} level {3:d}.
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{1} comprou {2} nível {3}.
- English (en)
{1} purchased {2} level {3}.
- French (fr)
{1} a acheté {2} niveau {3}.
- German (de)
{1} hat {2} Level {3} gekauft.
- Italian (it)
{1} acquistati {2} livello {3}.
- Russian (ru)
{1} купленный {2} уровень {3}.