Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Name
- rpginfo desc
- English
- Shows the purchased upgrades of the target person. Usage: {N}rpginfo
- English (In-game Preview)
- Shows the purchased upgrades of the target person. Usage: {N}rpginfo
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Mostra as atualizações compradas da pessoa-alvo. Uso: {N}rpginfo
- English (en)
Shows the purchased upgrades of the target person. Usage: {N}rpginfo
- French (fr)
Affiche les améliorations d'une autre personne. Utilisation: {N}rpginfo
- German (de)
Zeigt welche Upgrades ein anderer Spieler gekauft hat. Gebrauch: {N}rpginfo
- Hungarian (hu)
Megmutatja a megvásárolt képességeit az adott játékosnak. Használat: {N}rpginfo
- Italian (it)
Mostrami gli aggiornamenti acquistati della persona target. Utilizzo: {N}rpginfo
- Russian (ru)
Показывает, приобретенные навыки указаного человека. Используйте: {N}rpginfo