Phrase Information

rpgnext desc
Show a list of players which are right before you in the ranking.
English (In-game Preview)
Show a list of players which are right before you in the ranking.


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Mostre uma lista de jogadores que estão bem na sua frente no ranking.
English (en)
Show a list of players which are right before you in the ranking.
French (fr)
Affiche la liste des joueurs qui sont avant toi dans le top.
German (de)
Zeigt die 10 nächsten Spieler vor deiner Position im Ranking an.
Hungarian (hu)
Megmutatja a játékosokat akik előtted vannak a ranglistán.
Italian (it)
Mostra un elenco di giocatori che si trovano proprio di fronte a te nella classifica
Russian (ru)
Показать список игроков, которые прямо перед вами в рейтинге.