Phrase Information

rpgnext advert
Type {N}rpgnext{G} to view a list of players, which are right before you in the ranking.
English (In-game Preview)
Type {N}rpgnext{G} to view a list of players, which are right before you in the ranking.


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Digite {N}rpgnext{G} para ver uma lista de jogadores, que estão bem na sua frente na classificação.
English (en)
Type {N}rpgnext{G} to view a list of players, which are right before you in the ranking.
French (fr)
Tape {N}rpgnext{G} pour voir la liste des joueurs, qui sont avant toi dans le top.
German (de)
Schreibe {N}rpgnext{G}, um dir die 10 nächsten Spieler vor deinem Rank anzusehen.
Hungarian (hu)
Írd be: {N}rpgnext{G} hogy megnézd az összes játékost aki előtted van a ranglistán.
Italian (it)
Digita {N}rpgnext{G} per visualizzare un elenco di giocatori, che si trovano proprio davanti a te nella classifica.
Russian (ru)
Введите {N}rpgnext{G} для просмотра списка игроков, которые прямо перед вами в рейтинге.