Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Name
- rpgsession advert
- English
- Type {N}rpgsession{G} to check how your statistics changed in your current session.
- English (In-game Preview)
- Type {N}rpgsession{G} to check how your statistics changed in your current session.
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Digite {N}rpgsession{G} para verificar como suas estatísticas mudaram em sua sessão atual.
- English (en)
Type {N}rpgsession{G} to check how your statistics changed in your current session.
- French (fr)
Tape {N}rpgsession{G} pour voir comment tes stats ont changé durant la session.
- German (de)
Schreibe {N}rpgsession{G}, um Änderungen an deinen RPG Stats in dieser Session zu sehen.
- Hungarian (hu)
Írd be: {N}rpgsession{G} hogy lásd hogyan változtak a statisztikáid
- Italian (it)
Digita {N}rpgsession{G} per verificare come sono cambiate le tue statistiche nella sessione corrente.
- Russian (ru)
Введите {N}rpgsession{G}, чтобы посмотреть,изменения вашей статистики в текущей сессии.