Phrase Information

rpghelp desc
Show the SM:RPG help menu where you get detailed descriptions of the different available upgrades.
English (In-game Preview)
Show the SM:RPG help menu where you get detailed descriptions of the different available upgrades.


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Mostre o menu de ajuda do SM RPG, onde você obterá descrições detalhadas das diferentes atualizações disponíveis.
English (en)
Show the SM:RPG help menu where you get detailed descriptions of the different available upgrades.
French (fr)
Affiche le menu d'aide SM:RPG pour avoir la description des différentes améliorations.
German (de)
Öffnet das SM:RPG Hilfemenü in dem du eine detailierte Beschreibung der verschiedenen Upgrades findest.
Hungarian (hu)
Elmagyarázza, hogy mire jók a képességek, részletes leírást ad róluk.
Italian (it)
Mostra il menu di aiuto in cui ottieni descrizioni dettagliate dei diversi aggiornamenti disponibili.
Russian (ru)
Показать меню справки, где вы получите подробные описания об различных доступных РПГ навыковах.