Phrase Information
- Plugin
- SM:RPG Turbo mode
- Name
- Turbo mode enabled
- Format
- English
- {RB}Turbo mode enabled!{G} Experience earned increase {N}{1}x{G} and credits {N}{2}x{G} faster! Stats are not permanent.
- English (In-game Preview)
- {RB}Turbo mode enabled!{G} Experience earned increase {N}{1}x{G} and credits {N}{2}x{G} faster! Stats are not permanent.
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{RB}Modo Turbo ativado!{G} A experiência ganhou aumento {N}{1}x{G} e créditos {N}{2}x{G} mais rápido! As estatísticas não são permanentes.
- English (en)
{RB}Turbo mode enabled!{G} Experience earned increase {N}{1}x{G} and credits {N}{2}x{G} faster! Stats are not permanent.
- French (fr)
{RB}Mode Turbo activé!{G} L'expérience gagnée est {N}{1}x{G} plus rapide et les crédits sont {N}{2}x{G} plus rapides! Les stats sont désactivées.
- German (de)
{RB}Turbomodus aktiviert!{G} Du bekommst {N}{1}x{G} schneller Erfahrung und {N}{2}x{G} mehr Kredite! Die Stats werden nicht gespeichert.