Phrase Information

SM:RPG Turbo mode
Turbo mode disabled
{RB}Turbo mode disabled!{G} Experience and credit rates are back to normal.
English (In-game Preview)
{RB}Turbo mode disabled!{G} Experience and credit rates are back to normal.


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{RB} Modo Turbo desativado {G} A experiência e as taxas de crédito voltam ao normal.
English (en)
{RB}Turbo mode disabled!{G} Experience and credit rates are back to normal.
French (fr)
{RB}Mode Turbo désactivé!{G} L'exprérience et les crédits sont revenus à la normale.
German (de)
{RB}Turbomodus deaktiviert!{G} Erfahrung und Kredite werden wieder normal verteilt.