Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - Warden
  1. Client name
  2. Client name
{2} was Muted by the Warden {1} for the rest of the round!
English (In-game Preview)
{2:N} was Muted by the Warden {1:N} for the rest of the round!


Chinese (Traditional) (zho)
Czech (cze)
{2} byl mutnuty wardenem {1} do konce kola.
Danish (da)
{2}Blev muted af Warden {1} For resten af runden!
English (en)
{2} was Muted by the Warden {1} for the rest of the round!
German (de)
{2} wurde vom Warden {1} bis zum Ende de Runde gemutet
Italian (it)
Il CapoCT: {1} ha mutato {2} fino a fine round!
Korean (ko)
{2}님이 {1} 소장님에 의해 라운드가 끝날때까지 벙어리가 됩니다!
Polish (pl)
{2} zmutowany przey Wardena {1} do konca rundy
Portuguese (pt_p)
{2} foi mutado pelo Warden {1} durante o resto da ronda!
Romanian (ro)
{2} Warden mute {1} pentru tot sfarsitul rundei!
Russian (ru)
{2} отключен микрофон командиром {1} до конца следующего раунда
svn (svn)
{2} je bil utišan s strani Vodje {1} do konca runde!
Swedish (sv)
{2} har blivit tystad av fängelsedirektören {1} för resten av rundan!