Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - War
Everyone is allowed to go everywhere where he wants
English (In-game Preview)
Everyone is allowed to go everywhere where he wants


Danish (da)
Alle kan gå hen hvor de har lyst eller starte!
English (en)
Everyone is allowed to go everywhere where he wants
German (de)
Jeder darf überall hin wo er will!
Italian (it)
A tutti e' permesso andare ovunque durante questo round
Polish (pl)
Każdy może iść wszędzie tam, gdzie chce
Portuguese (pt_p)
Todos podem ir para qualquer lugar dentro do mapa!
Russian (ru)
Каждый может идти туда, куда захочет.
Spanish (es)
Todo el mundo está autorizado a ir a todas partes donde quiera
svn (svn)
Vsi lahko grejo kamor hočejo