Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - Catch
The Guards must catch and freeze the Prisoners with their knife.
English (In-game Preview)
The Guards must catch and freeze the Prisoners with their knife.


Danish (da)
CTs skal fange & fryse alle T ved at knife dem
English (en)
The Guards must catch and freeze the Prisoners with their knife.
German (de)
Die CT müssen alle T mit dem Messer einfangen und freezen
Italian (it)
Le guardie devono accoltellare i T per congelarli.
Polish (pl)
CT musza zlapac wszystkich T swoimi nozami by ich zamrozic
Portuguese (pt_p)
Os guardas precisam pegar e congelar os prisioneiros com suas facas.
Russian (ru)
КТ должны поймать всех Т, ударив их ножом и заморозив
Spanish (es)
Los Guardias deben capturar y congelar a los Prisioneros con sus cuchillos.
svn (svn)
Pazniki morajo loviti in z noži zamrzniti zapornike.