Phrase Information
- Plugin
- MyJailbreak - CowBoy
- Name
- cowboy_info_line6
- English
- Stay in the main jailroom! Don't enter secrets!
- English (In-game Preview)
- Stay in the main jailroom! Don't enter secrets!
- English (en)
Stay in the main jailroom! Don't enter secrets!
- German (de)
Bleib im Haupt Jail Raum! Verstecke sind verboten!
- Italian (it)
Rimanere nella zona celle! Vietato andare condotti o aree segrete!
- Polish (pl)
Zostan w glownym pomieszczeniu Wiezienia! Zakaz wejsc do SECRETOW!
- Russian (ru)
Оставайтесь в главной камере! Не уходите в нычки!
- Spanish (es)
Mantente en la Sala Principal! No entres a secretos!
- svn (svn)
Ostani v glavnih prostorih! Ne vstopaj v skrivne prostore!