Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - HE Battle
You must stay in the main Jailroom! Don't enter vents or secret areas!
English (In-game Preview)
You must stay in the main Jailroom! Don't enter vents or secret areas!


English (en)
You must stay in the main Jailroom! Don't enter vents or secret areas!
German (de)
Bleib im Haupt Jail Raum! Verstecke sind verboten!
Italian (it)
Bisogna stare nella zone celle! E' vietato andare codotti o aree segrete!
Polish (pl)
Zostan w glownym pomieszczeniu Wiezienia! Zakaz wejsc do SECRETOW!
Portuguese (pt_p)
Deves manter te na Zona principal! Nao entres em Vents e Secrets!
Russian (ru)
Оставайтесь в главной камере! Не уходите в нычки!
Spanish (es)
¡Debes permanecer en la Sala Principal de la Carcel! ¡No entre en tuberias o áreas secretas!
svn (svn)
Ostati moraš v glavnih prostorih! Ne vstopaj v zračnike ali skrivne prostore!