Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - Hide
Set Hide in the Dark by Admin is {purple}disabled!
English (In-game Preview)
Set Hide in the Dark by Admin is disabled!


Czech (cze)
Nastaveni Schovej se do Tmy bylo {purple}vypnuto adminem !
Danish (da)
Admin vælger runden for Hide in the Dark er {purple}slået fra
English (en)
Set Hide in the Dark by Admin is {purple}disabled!
German (de)
Hide in the Dark Aktivierung durch den Admin ist {purple}deaktiviert
Italian (it)
Impostare Duckhunt come Admin e' {purple}disattivato!
Polish (pl)
Wlaczenie Chowany przez admina jest {purple}wylaczone
Portuguese (pt_p)
Colocar Hide in the pela staff está {purple}desativado!
Russian (ru)
Администратор {purple}отключил{default} выбор пряток в темноте
Spanish (es)
El seteo de Hide in the Dark por el Admin está {purple}deshabilitado!
svn (svn)
Nastavitev Skrivalnic v temi s strani adminov je {purple}onemogočena!