Phrase Information
- Plugin
- Playtime
- Name
- Not_Allowed
- English
- {darkred}Only admins can check the playtime of another player{default}
- English (In-game Preview)
- Only admins can check the playtime of another player
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
{darkred}Somente os administradores podem verificar o tempo de jogo de outro jogador.{default}
- English (en)
{darkred}Only admins can check the playtime of another player{default}
- German (de)
{darkred}Nur Admins dürfen die Zeit von wem anderem prüfen :P
- Turkish (tr)
{darkred}Başka yöneticilerin oynatma süresini yalnızca yöneticiler kontrol edebilir{default}