View Phrase "request_killreason_brokerule"
Phrase Information
- Plugin
- MyJailbreak - Request
- Name
- request_killreason_brokerule
- English
- He broke the Rules
- English (In-game Preview)
- He broke the Rules
- Bulgarian (bg)
Той наруши правилата
- Czech (cze)
Porusil pravidla
- English (en)
He broke the Rules
- German (de)
Er hat die Regeln gebrochen
- Italian (it)
Ha infranto il regolamento
- Polish (pl)
On złamał zasady
- Portuguese (pt_p)
Ele quebrou as regras
- Russian (ru)
Нарушение правил
- Spanish (es)
Rompió las reglas
- svn (svn)
Kršil je pravila