Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - Ratio
Failiure to comply with the rules will be result in a CT ban.
English (In-game Preview)
Failiure to comply with the rules will be result in a CT ban.


Czech (cze)
Selhani v dodrzeni pravidel vyusti v CT ban.
English (en)
Failiure to comply with the rules will be result in a CT ban.
German (de)
Fehler diese Regeln einzuhalten resultiert in einem CT Ban.
Korean (ko)
규칙을 제대로 지키기 않으면 간수로 플레이 하는것이 금지됩니다.
Lithuanian (lt)
Nesilaikant taisyklių gausite CT blokavimą.
Polish (pl)
Nieprzestrzeganie zasad bedzie skutkowalo banem na CT.
Portuguese (pt_p)
O não cumprimento das regras resultará em um Ct ban.
Russian (ru)
Несоблюдение правил приведёт к CT бану.
Spanish (es)
El incumplimiento de las normas resultará en la prohibición de ser CT.
svn (svn)
Neuspešno upoštevanje pravil bo kaznovano z CT banom!