Phrase Information
- Plugin
- MyJailbreak - Ratio
- Name
- ratio_accept_line5
- English
- Failiure to comply with the rules will be result in a CT ban.
- English (In-game Preview)
- Failiure to comply with the rules will be result in a CT ban.
- Czech (cze)
Selhani v dodrzeni pravidel vyusti v CT ban.
- English (en)
Failiure to comply with the rules will be result in a CT ban.
- German (de)
Fehler diese Regeln einzuhalten resultiert in einem CT Ban.
- Korean (ko)
규칙을 제대로 지키기 않으면 간수로 플레이 하는것이 금지됩니다.
- Lithuanian (lt)
Nesilaikant taisyklių gausite CT blokavimą.
- Polish (pl)
Nieprzestrzeganie zasad bedzie skutkowalo banem na CT.
- Portuguese (pt_p)
O não cumprimento das regras resultará em um Ct ban.
- Russian (ru)
Несоблюдение правил приведёт к CT бану.
- Spanish (es)
El incumplimiento de las normas resultará en la prohibición de ser CT.
- svn (svn)
Neuspešno upoštevanje pravil bo kaznovano z CT banom!