Phrase Information

Random Selection
Commander Selection is random, but it's highly likely you'll be chosen
English (In-game Preview)
Commander Selection is random, but it's highly likely you'll be chosen


Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
Escolha do comandante é randômica, but é altamente provável que você será escolhido
English (en)
Commander Selection is random, but it's highly likely you'll be chosen
French (fr)
La sélection du commandant est aléatoire mais vous avez de fortes chances d'être choisi(e)
German (de)
Die Kommandantenauswahl ist zufällig, deine Chance, gewählt zu werden, ist allerdings hoch
Russian (ru)
Командир выбирается случайно, но есть вероятно что им будете именно вы
Spanish (es)
La selección de comandante es aleatoria, pero es muy probable que seas el elegido