Phrase Information
- Plugin
- nd_universal_translator
- Name
- Build Flanks
- English
- Is recommending to build up empty lanes, where the enemy can slip behind us.
- English (In-game Preview)
- Is recommending to build up empty lanes, where the enemy can slip behind us.
- English (en)
Is recommending to build up empty lanes, where the enemy can slip behind us.
- German (de)
empfielt, auch auf den leeren Pfaden zu bauen, wo Gegner bislang unentdeckt bleiben.
- Russian (ru)
Рекомендуется застроить пустые проходы, где враг может пройти к нам с фланга.
- Spanish (es)
Recomienda construir en los caminos vacíos, donde el enemigo caerá tras nosotros.