Phrase Information
- Plugin
- MyJailShop
- Name
- shop_opencellall
- Format
- Client name
- English
- {1} has opened all jails with shop
- English (In-game Preview)
- {1:N} has opened all jails with shop
- English (en)
{1} has opened all jails with shop
- Hungarian (hu)
{1} kinyitotta a cella ajtókat.
- Italian (it)
{1} ha scassinato tutte le celle con lo shop
- Korean (ko)
{1} 님이 모든 문을 상점 구매로 열었습니다.
- Polish (pl)
{1} otworzył cele!
- Romanian (ro)
{1} a deschis celulele prin shop
- Russian (ru)
{1} открыл все клетки, используя магазин