Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - Warden
  1. Integer
You need at least {1} RankMe Points to play as warden
English (In-game Preview)
You need at least {1:i} RankMe Points to play as warden


Chinese (Traditional) (zho)
You need at least {1} RankMe Points to play as warden
Czech (cze)
Potrebujes alespon {1} RankMe bodu abys mohl hrat za wardena
English (en)
You need at least {1} RankMe Points to play as warden
German (de)
Du brauchst mindestens {1} RankMe Punkte um als Warden zu spielen.
Italian (it)
Devi avere almento {1} punti RankMe per giocare come CapoCT
Polish (pl)
Musisz mieć {1} RankMe Points żeby zagrać jako Prowadzący
Portuguese (pt_p)
Tu precisas no mínimo {1} Pontos do RankMe para jogar como warden
Romanian (ro)
Trebuie sa ai {1} RankMe Points sa joci Warden
Russian (ru)
Вы должны иметь как минимум {1} очков, чтобы играть за командира