Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Clan Bonus XP
- Name
- Welcome_GO
- Format
- String
- English
- Player who are wearing this clantag will gain {1} percent of bonus Gold
- English (In-game Preview)
- Player who are wearing this clantag will gain {1:s} percent of bonus Gold
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
O Jogador que estiver usando esta clantag vai ganhar {1} porcento de Gold bonus
- English (en)
Player who are wearing this clantag will gain {1} percent of bonus Gold
- French (fr)
Les joueurs qui porte ce clantag vont gagner {1} pour cent de bonus Gold
- German (de)
Spieler die dieses Clantag tragen bekommen {1} Prozent mehr Gold
- Italian (it)
Il giocatore che ha questa clantag guadagnerà {1} percento di bonus gold
- Polish (pl)
Użytkownicy z tagiem naszego klanu w nicku otrzymają o {1} procent więcej złota
- Russian (ru)
Игрок, который установит этот клантег, будет получать дополнительный Бонус {1} проц. Золота
- Spanish (es)
Jugador que este usando este tag ganara {1} % bono oro