Phrase Information

MyJailbreak - DealDamage
Deal as much Damage as you can to the opposing team!
English (In-game Preview)
Deal as much Damage as you can to the opposing team!


English (en)
Deal as much Damage as you can to the opposing team!
German (de)
Mach soviel Schaden du kannst gegen das gegenerische Team
Italian (it)
Fai piu' danno possibile al team opposto!
Polish (pl)
Zadaj tak wiele obrażeń jak potrafisz drużynie przeciwnej!
Portuguese (pt_p)
Tira o máximo de dano que conseguires à equipa oposta!
Russian (ru)
Нанесите как можно больше урона вражеского команде
Spanish (es)
Has el mayor daño posible que puedas al equipo contrario!
svn (svn)
Nasprotni ekipi povzroči škode kolikor lahko!