Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Blood Hunter
- Name
- bh_skill_Feast_desc
- English
- Heal 5-20 percent of the victim's max HP on kill
- English (In-game Preview)
- Heal 5-20 percent of the victim's max HP on kill
- English (en)
Heal 5-20 percent of the victim's max HP on kill
- German (de)
Heilt 5-20 prozent des Gegner's maximale HP bei einen Kill
- Russian (ru)
Дает 5-20%% от максимального здоровья\nврага после того как он погибнет
- Spanish (es)
Te cura un 5-20% de la vida maxima de un enemigo que matas
- Spanish (es)
Te cura 5-20% de la vida maxima de tu victima cuando la matas