Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Chronos
- Name
- chronos_skill_Chronosphere_desc
- English
- Rip space and time to trap enemy.\nTrapped victims cannot move and can only deal/receive melee damage,\nSphere protects chornos from outside damage
- English (In-game Preview)
- Rip space and time to trap enemy.\nTrapped victims cannot move and can only deal/receive melee damage,\nSphere protects chornos from outside damage
- English (en)
Rip space and time to trap enemy.\nTrapped victims cannot move and can only deal/receive melee damage,\nSphere protects chornos from outside damage
- Russian (ru)
Создает сферу, которая захватывает врагов\nОни не могут двигаться, но могут биться ножом\nСфера защищает Хроноса от внешних атак
- Spanish (es)
Extraer espacio y tiempo para atrapar al enemigo.\nLas victimas atrapadas no se pueden mover y solo puede hacer/recibir daño cuerpo a cuerpo,\nLa espera protege del daño exterior.