Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Dark Elf
- Name
- darkelf_o_skill_Tribunal_desc
- English
- At the cost 4-7 hp/sec, you speed up 10-40%. +ability
- English (In-game Preview)
- At the cost 4-7 hp/sec, you speed up 10-40%. +ability
- English (en)
At the cost 4-7 hp/sec, you speed up 10-40%. +ability
- Russian (ru)
(+ability) За цену в 4-7 HP/сек,\nвы получаете на 10-40% больше скорости.
- Spanish (es)
Por un coste de 4-7 vida/segungo, tu velocidad aumenta entre un 10-40%. +habilidad
- Spanish (es)
Por un coste de 4-7 vida/segundo, tu velocidad aumenta entre un 10-40%. +habilidad