Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Lich
- Name
- lich_o_skill_FrostNova_desc
- English
- Reduces your enemies' movespeed and attack speed (+ability)\nSlows by 5-25%% and reduces attack speed by 5-25%%.\n500 range
- English (In-game Preview)
- Reduces your enemies' movespeed and attack speed (+ability)\nSlows by 5-25%% and reduces attack speed by 5-25%%.\n500 range
- English (en)
Reduces your enemies' movespeed and attack speed (+ability)\nSlows by 5-25%% and reduces attack speed by 5-25%%.\n500 range
- Russian (ru)
Уменьшает на 5-25%% скорость передвижения и на 5-25%%\nскорость атаки врагов в радиусе 50 футов\nАктивируется +ability
- Spanish (es)
Reduce la velocidad de movimiento y ataque de tus enemigos (+ability)\nReduciendo ambas en un 5-25%.\n500 de rango