Phrase Information
- Plugin
- War3Source Race Blood Mage
- Name
- mage_skill_Phoenix_desc
- English
- #1# chance to revive your teammates that die.\nEach time you revive, chance is reduced by half\nto a minimum of #2#
- English (In-game Preview)
- #1# chance to revive your teammates that die.\nEach time you revive, chance is reduced by half\nto a minimum of #2#
- English (en)
#1# chance to revive your teammates that die.\nEach time you revive, chance is reduced by half\nto a minimum of #2#
- Russian (ru)
#1# шанс возродить погибшего союзника.\nКаждый раз после возрождения, шанс уменьшается вдвое,\nно не менее #2#
- Spanish (es)
#1# Probabilidad de revivir a tus compañeros muertos.\Cada vez que revives, la probabilidad se reduce a la mitad,\hasta un minimo de #2#