Back to phrase
Phrase Information
- Name
- dragonborn_o_skill_Dragonborn_desc
- English
Being dragonborn gives immunitys to certain magics.\n15%% chance of immunity to wards/slows/skills/ultimates
Translation Information
- Added By
- Keros
- Date Created
- 2013-08-02 23:11:01 UTC
- Language
- Spanish (es)
- Text
- Ser draconico da inmunidad a ciertas magias.\n15% de posibilidad de ser inmune a wards, reduccion de movimiento, habilidades y ultimates
- In-game Preview
- Ser draconico da inmunidad a ciertas magias.\n15% de posibilidad de ser inmune a wards, reduccion de movimiento, habilidades y ultimates
(This shows how the phrase will appear in game. Format placeholders will be filled in by the plugin in-game.)