Back to phrase
Phrase Information
- Name
- Dmage_HP_Tank
- Format
- English
{green}[{lightgreen}HP TANK{green}]{olive} Damage dealt to tank {green}({lightgreen}{1}{green}){default}:
Translation Information
- Added By
- DracoPT
- Date Created
- 2015-12-06 17:36:58 UTC
- Language
- Brazilian Portuguese (pt)
- Text
- {green}[{lightgreen}HP TANK{green}]{olive} Dano causado ao tanque {green}({lightgreen}{1}{green}){default}:
- In-game Preview
- [HP TANK] Dano causado ao tanque ({1:s}):
(This shows how the phrase will appear in game. Format placeholders will be filled in by the plugin in-game.)