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Phrase Information
- Name
- pr_roundbonus_latenotifyminimum
- Format
- English
You made it just in time for the round bonus, earn {orange}{1}{default} points and stay for the whole round to receive the bonus.
Translation Information
- Added By
- Jose76Tron
- Date Created
- 2016-08-19 00:37:36 UTC
- Language
- Spanish (es)
- Text
- Lo has hecho justo a tiempo para la ronda bonus, consigue{orange}{1}{default} puntos y sigue durante la ronda entera para recibir el bonus.
- In-game Preview
- Lo has hecho justo a tiempo para la ronda bonus, consigue{1} puntos y sigue durante la ronda entera para recibir el bonus.
(This shows how the phrase will appear in game. Format placeholders will be filled in by the plugin in-game.)